31 Praisworthy Black Ink Work Small Lion Gryffindor Tattoo on Forearm

43 Amazing Gryffindor Tattoo Design

Gryffindor- the name will always ring the bell to any Harry Potter fan. Since the launch, Harry Potter appears to never lose its appeal and so the subjects of this fictional world. This franchise seems to have one of the most loyal and devoted fanbases. It is possible that maybe this is what intrigues them to get a Gryffindor tattoo design often related to harry potter. After all, this could be a way for them to feel connected to their imagination.

Gryffindor History:

This first book came out in 1997, and it was the first time people got to know about the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry. This is where the story is mainly set upon. This school consists of four houses, and each house represents a set of characteristics. Every student who gets into that school goes through a sorting ceremony, where a sorting hat understands their attributes and announces which house they will be. Gryffindor is one of those houses and the house of the main three protagonists. According to the story, Gryffindor was named after one of the school’s founding members- Godric Gryffindor.

Meaning of Gryffindor:

The mascot of this house is a lion, and the colors of the house are scarlet and gold. Students with attributes like courage, chivalry, and determination are usually sorted into Gryffindor. It is said that Gryffindors are the bravest and boldest ones. Though there are notable characters in the book, who refer to Gryffindor students as arrogant and disrespectful to rules and authority.
The sword of Godric Gryffindor also played a massive role in the storyline. It always found its way back to the one who’s in need and helped kill the antagonist Voldemort.

All these backstories demonstrate that Gryffindor has no singular meaning, rather multiple. It resembles courage, confidence, righteousness, integrity, glory, but above all, what it represents is the Harry Potter fictional world.

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Meaning of Gryffindor Tattoo:

Tattoos can be interpreted as a metaphor. They symbolize a story or ideas, for example, a tattoo of a musical note may give you a notion that the person who’s carrying it, is a music lover, perhaps a musician as well.
A Gryffindor tattoo also tells a tale. Gryffindor is solely related to Harry Potter, so first and foremost it will refer to the person as a Potter fan. Then it entails the detailed ideas related to this tattoo- something that stands for courage, integrity, honesty, determination, and righteousness. So, these are the concepts a Gryffindor tattoo acts upon.

Best Place to Get Gryffindor Tattoo on Your Body:

There is no specific design called the Gryffindor tattoo; instead, there are sets of different things related to the name. Such as the sword, the mascot, or the color. Some prefer the sword, some prefer the mascot and there are also a lot of other fusions. Depending on which tattoo you get and of what size it is, it can be deduced where on the body to get it. Most people like to get the tattoo on their forearm as it looks really cool in that place and it’s easily visible.

So, if you want to show it to the public, then the forearm or leg could be a good choice. If you want the tattoo to be big, you should get it on your back. Remember, it is a painful process to get this on your skin wherever you get the tattoo. Gryffindor’s designs are full of details and patterns so that it will require a lot of patience and time.

1. Black Line Gryffindor Hand Tattoo

1 Black Line Gryffindor Tattoo on Hand

2. Black Ink Basilisk Gryffindor Tattoo on Hand

Gryffindor Tattoo on Hand

3. Color ink Gryffindor Animal Tattoo on Forehand

3 Color ink Gryffindor Animal Tattoo on Forehand

4. Gray Ink Gryffindor Harry Potter Tattoo on Arm

4 Gray Ink Gryffindor Harry Potter Tattoo on Arm

5. Gray Ink Gryffindor Lion Tattoo on Sleeve

Gryffindor Lion Tattoo on Sleeve

6. Beautiful Color Ink Gryffindor Harry Potter Tattoo on Thigh

6 Beautiful Color Ink Gryffindor Harry Potter Tattoo on Thigh

7. Gryffindor KnifeTattoo on Thigh

7 Gryffindor KnifeTattoo on Thigh

8. Sword Gryffindor Half Arm Tattoo

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8 Sword Gryffindor Tattoo on Half Arm

9. Golder Color Gryffindor Dagger Tattoo on Half Sleeve

9 Golder Color Gryffindor Dagger Tattoo on Half Sleeve

10. Filmy Color Harry Potter Gryffindor Half Sleeve Tattoo

10 Filmy Color Harry Potter Gryffindor Tattoo on Half Sleeve

11. Incredible Color Ink Gryffindor Animal Tattoo on Forearm

11 Incredible Color Ink Gryffindor Animal Tattoo on Forearn

12. Incredible Color Ink Gryffindor Lion Tattoo for Youth on Half Leg

12 Incredible Color Ink Gryffindor Lion Tattoo for Youth on Half Leg

13. Nice Color Ink Gryffindor Dagger Tattoo on Half Sleeve

13 Nice Color Ink Gryffindor Dagger Tattoo on Half Sleeve

14. Black Link Ink Tattoo on Forearm

14 Black Link Ink Gryffindor Tattoo on Forearm

15. Amazing Lion Head Gryffindor Thigh Tattoo

15 Amazing Lion Head Gryffindor Tattoo on Thigh

16. Gryffindor Triangle Tattoo on Forearm

16 Gryffindor Triangle Tattoo on Forearm

17. Fine Color Ink Gryffindor Leg Tattoo

17 Fine Color Ink Gryffindor Tattoo on Leg

18. Dark Ink Snake and Skull Gryffindor Behind the Leg Tattoo

18 Dark Ink Snake and Skull Gryffindor Tattoo Behind the Leg

19. Dark Ink Lion Gryffindor Chest Tattoo

Gryffindor Chest Tattoo

20. Beautiful Color Ink Cat Harry Potter Tattoo on Half Arm

20 Beautiful Color Ink Cat Harry Potter Gryffindor Tattoo on Half Arm

21. Real Color Ink Cat Gryffindor Harry Potter Tattoo on Behind The Leg

21 Real Color Ink Cat Harry Potter Gryffindor Tattoo on Behing The Leg

22. Gray Line Work  Gryffindor Lion Roaring Tattoo on Half Sleeve

22 Gray Line Work Lion Roaring Gryffindor Tattoo on Half Sleeve

23. Gray Line Work Tattoo on Leg

23 Gray Line Work Gryffindor Tattoo on Leg

24. Real Color Work Gryffindor Owl Tattoo on Thigh

24 Real Color Work Gryffindor Owl Tattoo on Thigh

25. Incredible Lion Gryffindor Half Hand Tattoo

25 Incredible Work Lion Gryffindor Tattoo on Half Hand

26. Big Lion Gryffindor Back Tattoo

26 Big Lion Gryffindor Tattoo on Back

27. Lovely Lion Floral Tattoo on Back

27 Lovely Floral Lion Gryffindor Tattoo on Back

28. Four Most Ferocious Gryffindor Arm Tattoo

28 Four Most Ferocious Gryffindor Tattoo on Arm

29. Red Color Gryffindor Arm Tattoo

29 Good Color Gryffindor Tattoo on Arm

30. Lion Roaring Gryffindor Thigh Tattoo

30 Lion Roaring Gryffindor Tattoo on Thigh

31. Praiseworthy Black Ink Work Small Lion Gryffindor Forearm Tattoo

31 Praisworthy Black Ink Work Small Lion Gryffindor Tattoo on Forearm

32. Small Lion Gryffindor Hand Tattoo

32 Small Lion Gryffindor Tattoo on Hand

33. Incredible Black Line Tattoo on Leg

33 Incredible Black Line Gryffindor Tattoo on Leg

34. Floral Design Gryffindor Written Tattoo on Half Sleeve

34 Floral Design Gryffindor Written Tattoo on Half Sleeve

35. Beautiful Gray Color Gryffindor LionTattoo on Leg

35 Beautiful Gray Color Gryffindor LionTattoo on Leg

36. Amazing Color Majestic Gryffindor Tattoo on Sleeve

36 Amazing Color Majestic Gryffindor Tattoo on Sleeve

37. Amazing Color Gryffindor Tattoo on Chest

37 Amazing Color Gryffindor Tattoo on Chest

38. Amazing Color Gryffindor LionTattoo on Hand

38 Amazing Color Gryffindor LionTattoo on Hand

39. Ferocious Animal Gryffindor Tattoo on Leg

39 Ferocious Animal Gryffindor Tattoo on Leg

40. Only Gryffindor Written Tattoo on Hand

40 Only Gryffindor Written Tattoo on Hand

41. Super Lovely Design Gryffindor Lion Tattoo on Thigh

41 Super Lovely Design Gryffindor Lion Tattoo on Thigh

42. Lovely Design Gryffindor Crest Tattoo on Thigh

Gryffindor Crest Tattoo on Thigh

43. Stylish Lion Roaring Gryffindor Tattoo on Forearm

43 Stylish Lion Roaring Gryffindor Tattoo on Forearm

Suppose you are a die-hard Harry Potter fan and want to get a tattoo that represents something about bravery, integrity, and determination. In that case, we’d recommend you to get a beautiful Gryffindor tattoo. The mascot’s design is genuinely wonderful to decorate yourself with—all the very best.

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