Bunch Of Flowers On The Spine

90+ Creative Spine Tattoo Design Ideas for Your Back

Table of Contents

Why do tattoo lovers think that the spine is the perfect place to get any tattoo? If you do not know this, we are here to inform you. Spine areas have flat space for getting any tattoo and the axis of the back can be the best place for symmetric designs. People have a special appeal to getting a tattoo on the spine because you can show off your specialty and sexiness with spine tattoos.

Do You Feel Pain While Getting Spine Tattoos?

The spine is the most sensitive area to getting a tattoo. Getting spine tattoos is the most painful experience that you may feel. We can not totally convince you that a spine tattoo will not cause any. But we can say that if you have more capability to take the pain, you will feel less pain. But the general opinion is that you will get hurt when you a spine tattoo.

What Do Spine Tattoos Symbolize?

A spine tattoo symbolizes the strength of the person. It is the most crucial place to get a tattoo. It also portrays uniqueness and attractive appearance towards the people. We all know the spine is the foundation of our body. Just like that, it symbolizes the foundation meaning of our existence.

The line down the spine tattoo portrays the meaning of “Commitment”. If you are committed to your life goals, you can get a line down spine tattoo on your spine line.

Snake spine tattoos may represent versatile meanings. They may symbolize rebirth and changes. Moreover, they may reflect the transformation in many cultures if you add a skull with this design. it may portray death or fearlessness.

Moon phase spine tattoos are very appealing to men and women. The designs may symbolize female power, transition, mystery, and growth. The full moon is related to mystery and transition. Half moon is connected to fertility and achievement.

Chinese Spine tattoos commonly portray multiple meanings, such as Love, Loyal, Battle, and victory. Japanese Spine tattoos may symbolize wealth and prosperity. Arabic spine tattoos may reflect strength and determination. Overall we can say, the design meanings depend on the written designs on the spine.

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The Mandala spine design symbolizes balance, eternity, and perfection. Lotus flowers strongly portray enlightenment of your life. It also may symbolize faith and peace. Chakra spine tattoos may have aesthetic meanings. It may mean a connection between body, mind, and soul. It also represents power.

Spine Women Tattoos

1. Spine Mandala Design

Spine Mandala Design


On the spine line, there is a mandala design portrayed with black ink. A few parts of the designs are shaded with grey color. It is meant for girls. After intensifying the design, it has become more beautiful.

2. Spine Bee Hive Design

Spine Bee Hive Design


A beehive is very special for bees because it collects honey. The design portrays multiple beehives shaded with light orange color. The bees are setting in the hives shaded with black color. There is also a touch of nature like tree branches and leaves.

3. Spine Weight Machine Design

Spine Weight Machine Design


The design shows a weight machine on the spine line. The weight machine is shaded with black color. On the two scales, two body organs are waiting to be measured. There is a splash of black color and round balls around the design.

4. Spine Snake Tattoo

Spine Snake Tattoo


A snake is lying on the spine line. It is drawn with black ink and lightly shaded with black color.

5. Spine Tree Tattoo

Spine Tree Tattoo


If you have a love for nature, you can portray a tree figure on the spine. The design reflects the full tree spread with branches and leaves. They are shaded with black color.

6. Spine Moon Cycle Tattoo

Spine Moon Cycle Tattoo


Among these, many of us are interested in astrologers’ things. They will be interested in the moon cycle. The design represents the moon serially on the spine and they are shaded with black color.

7. Spine Dragon Girl Tattoo

Spine Dragon Girl Tattoo


In this design, you can see a dragon on the spine. Among them, a girl is sitting shaded in black color wearing a large frock. To intensify the design, red lines are used on the dragon as well as on the girl.

8. Spine Sexy Girl Tattoo

Spine Sexy Girl Tattoo


It is a little design shown on the spine. It portrays a half-moon drawn with blue ink. Along with that, the girl is sitting on the moon. It will provide you kind of romantic scenario.

9. Spine Black Artwork Tattoo

Spine Black Artwork Tattoo


The design represents vertebrates on the spine drawn with black ink. They are partially shaded with black color.

10. Spine Butterfly & Sun Tattoo

Spine Butterfly & Sun Tattoo


The tattoo design includes three things. A butterfly on the bottom of the design is shaded with black color. A bird’s feather is in the middle of the design. A shining sun on the top of the design. It looks classy.

Flower Spine Tattoo Models

11. Black Spine Tattoo

Black Spine Tattoo


The design portrays gardenia flowers on the spine intensified with black color. The naming is appropriate for its blackish shading. Males and females both can try this type of design. It looks amazing when you get it.

12. Flower & Butterfly Spine Tattoo

Flower & Butterfly Spine Tattoo


Flowers and butterflies are amazing combinations. In this design, you can see a stick of beautiful flowers. It is surrounded by the butterfly. Females prefer this type of design the most. It looks stunning.

13. Spine Olive Flower Design

Spine Olive Flower Design


We all are familiar with olive flowers. The olive flower symbolizes friendship and reconciliation, cleansing and healing, light, victory and richness, and, above all, a sign of peace. You can notice a beautiful olive flower design on the spine.

14. Mandala & Lotus Flower Spine Tattoo


Mandala & Lotus Flower Spine Tattoo


In this tattoo, you can see the reflection of a lotus flower and mandala flower design. The Lotus flower symbolizes purity, rebirth, and strength. Mandala Flower portrays the meaning of empathy, love, charm, passion, development, and hope. The design is very beautiful to look at.

15. Pretty Spine Floral Design

Pretty Spine Floral Design


Floral designs are the most common designs in a spine tattoo design. The designs portray a pretty floral brunch on the spine. Females are more likely to choose floral designs. It looks wonderful.

16. Spine Botanical Flower Tattoo

Spine Botanical Flower Tattoo


The tattoo designs express beautiful botanical flowers on the spine. A flower tattoo symbolizes joy and pleasure. It is also connected with friendship and purity. On the other hand, it is linked with forgiveness and death. It looks mesmerizing.

17. Bunch Of Flowers On The Spine

Bunch Of Flowers On The Spine


The design portrays a bunch of flowers on the spine. The flower design is not only beautiful but also attractive to look at. It also shows a steep line of flowers drawn and intensified by color. It is not a colorful tattoo. So, you may not be worried about its care.

18. Spine Water Lily Colorful Design

Spine Water Lily Colorful Design


The tattoo design shows a colorful water lily on the spine along with leaves. The water Lily is shaded with blue color. It has a connection with ancient history. It is the national flower of many countries. It symbolizes innocence, purity, fertility, pleasure, celebration, hope, rebirth, wellness, and peace. It looks wonderful.

19. Spine Dainty Flower Tattoo

Spine Dainty Flower Tattoo


The design portrays Dainty flowers on the spine. It is considered a delicate flower. A dainty flower tattoo symbolizes small, delicate, and pretty. You can compare your personality, movement, characteristics, or object with dainty flowers.

20. Spine Colorful Floral Tattoo

Spine Colorful Floral Tattoo


You can beautify your spine with a colorful floral design. If you are interested, you can check out this design.

21. Spine Minimalist Flower Design

Spine Minimalist Flower Design


We all do not like large floral designs. Some of us prefer minimalist flower tattoo designs. They think that it looks classy. If you are interested in small designs, you can try out this tattoo design.

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Spine Quote Tattoo Ideas

22. Hand Writing Love Design

Hand Writing Love Design


You can portray love quotations on the spine. You can use a specific format to write up the tattoo content. It looks unique.

23. Arabic Quote With Butterflies

Arabic Quote With Butterflies


If you are interested in the Arabic language and you are an Arab, you can try out this unique design. We all should know that Arabic quotes and words may have unique meanings which may portray your personality. Some common designs you may adopt, such as-

  • Sabah al-khair: Good morning (صباح الخير)
  • Shukran: Thank you (ﺷﻜﺮﺍﹰ)
  • Lazeeza: Delicious (لذيذ)
  • Jameela: Beautiful (جميل)
  • Najma: Stars (نجوم)

24. Quote With Ornamented Design

Quote With Ornamented Design


We sometimes feel to get ornamented designs with simple designs. If you have any favorite quote, you can design it with ornamented design. To make yourself beautiful, you can check out this design.

25. English Motivational Quote Tattoo Design

English Motivational Quote Tattoo Design


English is not the mother language for everyone. But it is used for communication. Sometimes English quotes may motivate the person in their personal life. On the spine, they can portray the motivational quote.

26. German Quote On The Spine

German Quote On The Spine


Maybe you have versatile knowledge about other languages like German. You can show it off with your tattoos. On the spine, you can portray a german quote and it looks nice. Here is the sample-

  • Übung macht den Meister (Practice makes perfect)
  • Nur die Harten kommen in den Garten (Only the strongest survive)
  • Kleinvieh macht auch Mist (Small amounts add up to something bigger)
  • Wo sich die Füchse gute Nacht sagen (The back of beyond)
  • Klappe zu, Affe tot (Let’s end this)

27. Spine Lettering Tattoo

Spine Lettering Tattoo


Lettering can be done beautifully on the spine. Just look at the design! It looks very amazing when you get it from a good tattoo artist.

28. Quote With Botanical Flower

Quote With Botanical Flower


Botanical flowers are the best decorative ornament when you try to get a beautiful design. The design is not colorful. But it has drawn and intensified with black color perfectly.

29. Bible Verse Quote Spine Tattoo

Bible Verse Quote Spine Tattoo


Bible is a sacred book for Christians. They have the purest and most beautiful meanings. Some bible verse quotes are-

  • In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
  • So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
  • Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go
  • May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”

30. Bold Arabic Script Tattoo

Bold Arabic Script Tattoo


You can script Arabic quotes on the spine with black color boldly. Arabic quotes have unique meanings which you should portray.

31. Spine Chakra Tattoo

Spine Chakra Tattoo


Tattoo lovers can reflect the chakra design on the spine. The designs are very specific and placed nicely on the spine. It looks wonderful.

32. Dragon Japanese Spine Tattoo

Dragon Japanese Spine Tattoo


You can portray a dragon design which will give bold look to that design. You can also add a Japanese quote with this design.

33. Chinese Spine Tattoo

Chinese Spine Tattoo


The Chinese language is difficult to learn. But they have beautiful quotes that you may portray on your spine. Here is the sample-

  • 万事开头难。wàn shì kāi tóu nán (Everything is difficult in the beginning)

  • 人不可貌相。rén bù kě mào xiàng (Never judge people by their appearance)

  • 失败是成功之母。shī bài shì chéng gōng zhī mǔ (Failure is the mother of success)

  • 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。bīng dòng sān chǐ, fēi yī rì zhī hán (It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep)
  • 守得云开见月明。shǒu de yún kāi jiàn yuè míng (Watch till the clouds part to see the moonlight)

34. Japanese Small Lettering Tattoo

Japanese Small Lettering Tattoo


Japanese letters have unique meanings. If you want to portray the meanings with Japanese letters, you can show it with your tattoo designs. You can see Japanese lettering and its meanings, such as-

  • 永 (Forever)

  • 串 (to string together)

  • 忍 (to endure)

  • 明 (bright, to understand)

35. Spine Flower With Date Tattoo

Spine Flower With Date Tattoo


You can reflect a beautiful flower with a small date mentioned in this design. The design is not colorful, but it looks classy.

Red Spine Tattoos

Red Spine Tattoo

36. Red Snake Spine Tattoo

37. Red Floral Design

38. Red Lettered Arabic Verse Tattoo

39. Red Lettered English Quote Tattoo

40. Red Dragon With Number Design

41. Red Rose With The Snake

42. A Bunch Of Red Roses On The Spine

43. Koi Fishes With A Round Circle Design

44. Red Lettered Language Tattoo

45. Red Leaves Spine Tattoo

Moon Phases Spine Tattoo Ideas

46. Moon Phase Popping Cherries Tattoo

Moon Phase Popping Cherries Tattoo


Tattoo lovers can portray cherries to beautify the tattoo. It is a horizontal design. You can do a lot of designs with it. It includes eyes drawn with black ink. Moreover, it adds lotus, half moon, and stars portrayed with black ink also.

47. Moon Phase Sparkling Tattoo

Moon Phase Sparkling Tattoo


Girls like this type of tattoo design. There is a sparkling star in the center of the design. Around the star, you can different moon phase which looks really attractive. This design is inspired by the lunar eclipse.

48. Moon Phase Goddess Tattoo

Moon Phase Goddess Tattoo


There is a round shape in the center. Two half-moons are placed on the two sides. You can notice the leaves design shaded with grey color. Moreover, you can add geometric design which means that you can add different shapes along with sparkles.

49. Moon Phase Butterfly Design

Moon Phrase Butterfly Design


On the neckline, there is a period of moon phase shown. Under this, you can see a beautiful butterfly tagged with a bunch of white roses. You can include a sparking half-moon and additional ornaments.

50. Moon Phase Bee Design

Moon Phrase Bee Design


On the spine, you can horizontally portray the design. If you add a bee to this design, it will be more beautiful. There is no shading. But simple fine line art can make the tattoo design beautiful.

Sexy Spine Tattoos

Sexy Spine Tattoo

51. Shaded Flower Design

52. Sun & The Leaves Design

53. Mandala & Half Moon Design

54. Chakra Sexy Design

55. Quote Sexy Design

Simple Spine Tattoos

Simple Spine Tattoo2

56. Sunflower Spine Tattoo

57. Moon Phase Spine Tattoo

58. Script Illustration Spine Tattoo

59. Simple Quote Illustration Tattoo

60. Simple Lotus Spine Tattoo

Spine Men Tattoo Models

Spine Men Tattoo

61. A Steep Flower Line Design

62. Bold Written Quote On The Back

63. Sword Spine Tattoo

64. Spine Design On The Spine

65. Bold Font Spine Tattoo

66. Spine Tribal Tattoo

67. Spine Butterfly Design

68. Spine Abstract Tattoo

69. Spine Gothic Tattoo

70. Spine Rose Men Tattoo

Small Spine Tattoos

Small Spine Tattoo

71. Black Inked Leaves Design

72. Colorful Half Moon Lotus Design

73. Small Sparkling Spine Piece

74. Lotus With Om Design On The Spine

75. Irish Minimalist Black Tattoo

76. Floral Bug Spine Tattoo

77. Colorful Sunflower Spine Tattoo

78. Colorful Plum Blossom Branch  Design

79. Ornamented Pieces on The Spine

80. Spine Family Love Tattoo

Other Spine Tattoo Designs

Other Spine Tattoo Designs

81. Spine Dotworks Tattoo

82. Spine Combined Moon & Flower Design

83. Spine Combined Sword & Snake Design

84. Spine Combined Flower & Quote Design

85. Spine Cross Tattoo

86. Spine Mandala Lotus Design

87. Spine Delicate Flower Tattoo

88. Spine Geometric Tattoo

89. Spine Firtree Tattoo

90. Spine Arabic Quote With Flowers

91. Spine Butterfly With Quote

92. Spine Colorful Sunflower Tattoo

93. Spine Colorful Irish Flower Tattoo

94. Spine Black Bird Tattoo

95. Spine Black Round Tattoo

96. Spine Tattoo With Multiple Butterflies

97. Semi Colorful Rose Tattoo

98. Spine Galaxy Tatto

99. Spine Wings Tattoo

100. Spine Face To Face Tattoo

Other Spine Tattoo Designs


The author of this article suggests that women feel more attracted to spine tattoos. So, we have collected spine designs for women very carefully. If you are a woman, you should try out those designs. Other popular designs are spine floral designs. We have presented beautiful spine floral designs. To follow the trend, you can get any of them.


We wanted to provide you with the best designs for spine tattoos. If you notice our tattoo designs, you will feel attached to the spine tattoo. They are not only elegant to hold but also sexy to show off. So, what are you waiting for? get a beautiful design from our collections.

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