Can You Use Aspercreme For Tattoos

Can You Use Aspercreme For Tattoos?

Can You Use Aspercreme for Tattoos? There are various reasons behind it. Aspercreme is the epicenter of all numbing products. It includes an ingredient that creates the least reaction on the skin. In this article, we have explained Aspercreme’s applicability to tattooed skin and how it works on the skin.

Basic Information About Aspercreme

Aspercreme is the ultimate pain reliever for customers who are highly interested to get a tattoo. It contains Lidocaine which helps to ease minor pain. You can get it in spray form and also in roll-on form. It helps to numb muscle pain, joint pain, and back pain. Customers love it for its odor-free and non-greasy texture. It contains no menthol. If you are allergic to menthol, you can use it without side effects.

Can You Use Aspercreme For Tattoos?

According to our research and reviews from customers, you can use Aspercreme on the tattoos. Before using it, you should read the application procedures mentioned on the packaging. It is suggested to apply thin layers of the product on the tattooed skin. If your skin condition is bad like broken skin, you should avoid using Aspercreme. So, it is the responsibility of the tattoo artist to check the skin condition before applying any numbing product.
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What Are The Benefits Of Aspercreme?

Aspercreme is not only a numbing product but also a good product for tattoos. It has some benefits also. Such as-

  • It numbs the muscle and as a result, your pain will ease
  • Its odor-free nature will help you to get a tattoo without odor
  • Its non-greasy mixture will help you to rid of oily feelings

What Are The Side Effects Of Aspercreme?

It is not guaranteed that it is suitable for all skins. A few customers have faced some side effects also. Such as-

  • Skin peeling
  • Skin redness
  • Skin irritation
  • Nausea
  • Allergic reactions

What Are The Precautions Before Using?

Without checking the skin type, you can not use Aspercreme on the skin. If you take precautions, you will be in a safe side. Such as-

  • You have to check your medical history, such as asthma
  • You have to consult with a doctor about your medication for the illness
  • You have to learn about the risks and benefits
  • You have to ensure your safety during pregnancy

What Should You Avoid During Application?

You can not use the Aspercreme on your every body part. You are restricted to using some parts of the body. If you maintain those, you will be safe after using Aspercreme. The below steps you should follow-

  • You should not use it inside the eyes, nose, and private place
  • You should not operate on the broken skin
  • Do not apply heat to the applied area
  • Do not use any liquid things for washing except water

How Long Time  Do You Have To Wait To Numb The Skin?

Generally, you have to wait for 10-15 minutes to numb the skin after applying Aspercreme. But tattoo artists explain that numbing time varies from person to person. Everyone does not have the same type of skin. So, it takes a long time to numb for a few customers. Some customers have good pain resistance power. They actually feel a little pain after using Aspercreme. Lidocaine is its main ingredient which helps to numb the pain. As a customer, you will get varieties of packaging such as cream, spray, and roll-on. You can apply it to the affected areas four times a day. Sometimes its formulation stays on the skin for up to 12 hours. It is considered a fast-acting numbing product on the show Long Does Aspercreme Last On The Skin?

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How Long Does Aspercreme Last On The Skin?

According to the experience of the tattoo artist and customers, Aspercreme lasts at least 2 hours on the skin. After applying it, the tattoo artists can design the tattoo for two hours without let customers getting pain. As a result, customers leave the tattoo place with satisfied service and come again there for better service.

Does Lidocaine Affect The Tattoo?

Lidocaine will not affect the tattoo design if your skin type is normal. But a few people have an allergy to lidocaine. For those, avoiding Aspercreme will be a wise decision for them. It can ruin their tattoo design. On the other hand, only 4% of lidocaine is used in the Aspercreme. So, it will not harm the skin badly.


After reading the whole article, we hope that you have understood the benefits and importance of Aspercremes. It is a very important matter to notice before getting a tattoo. Though we have mentioned side effects, it has a lot of beneficial sides.

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