Sternum Womb Tattoo

17 Womb Tattoo Ideas for Female

A womb tattoo is a well-known design that has recently reached multiple tattoo trends. It is located directly above the lower stomach. Aside from the placement, it is well-known for its visuals and the interesting meaning it conveys. Tattoo designs are numerous and tend to stand out the most when displayed in a variety of colors.

What Does The Womb Tattoo Mean?

On the pain scale, the womb tattoo is not the most pleasant option for any tattoo user, but it has a fascinating meaning. The womb tattoo, often known as a crotch tattoo, typically shows a stylized uterus and ovaries. Because of the tattoo placement, it is a good choice for individuals wishing to add some spice to their lives.

The meaning, on the other hand, is quite systematic. The womb tattoo is commonly used to illustrate one’s dedication and love for their child. It is an excellent way to improve their relationship by bringing a long-term, effortless commitment to the table.

The womb tattoo can also be used to memorialize a pregnancy or the birth of a child. Many people believe that getting a womb tattoo beforehand allows them to connect with their newborn even before they are born, giving it the sentimental value that most tattoos lack.

Best Tattoo Designs For The Womb That Honor The Beauty Of Love

The ability of the womb tattoo to adapt to any and every design is perhaps an underappreciated trait. Whether it’s a high saturation contrast or an artwork with the classic color combination of black and white, the womb tattoo looks presentable, delicate, and charming in every way.

Succubus Womb Tattoo
Succubus Womb Tattoo

A succubus tattoo is only for those who want to spice up their lives a little bit. The placement of the tattoo, which features the artwork of a devil with wings in the shape of a heart, is what makes this variation a fan favorite. Wearing it can boost the wearer’s self-esteem while also increasing the chemistry they have with their significant other.

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Succubus Womb Tattoo
Succubus Womb Tattoo
Succubus Womb Tattoo
Succubus Womb Tattoo
Baby In Womb Tattoo
Baby In Womb Tattoo

A newborn’s birth is always cause for celebration. Get this tattoo to show your support. It has bright visuals and a detailed design of the womb. The baby figure is optional, but it should be included because of the sentimental value it carries.

Additionally, to personalize this tattoo, try incorporating microscript tattoos around the womb tattoo. You can express your joy by creating an authentic message, but you can also use quotes from your favorite author.

Baby In Womb Tattoo
Heart Womb Tattoo
Heart Womb Tattoo

The original foundation of a womb tattoo is unlikely to be a motivation for many. To give it a different aura and impression, a minor adjustment and the introduction of shapes as pleasing as the heart can be more than enough to change the final outcome’s outlook.

A heart-shaped frame will highlight the womb tattoo while supporting the visuals with a colorful scheme. To further distance itself from the design of a womb tattoo, add icons that relate to the symbolism of the womb tattoo. Flower tattoos are one example.

Heart Womb Tattoo
Heart Womb Tattoo
Heart Womb Tattoo
Sternum Womb Tattoo
Sternum Womb Tattoo

Sternum tattoos have been popular for quite some time. Apart from its aesthetic appeal, the area is an excellent choice for those who want to keep their artwork out of sight of the general public.

The area also has plenty of space, which can help those who want to extend the design of their initial artwork by incorporating more micro and script tattoos.

Sternum Womb Tattoo
Crescent Moon Womb Tattoo
Crescent Moon Womb Tattoo

Crescent moon tattoos represent the beauty of motherhood, which reflects the energy of the womb tattoo. A crescent moon womb tattoo, when formed together, is the ideal tattoo for those who are celebrating their pregnancy or the birth of their child.

Due to the seriousness behind the meaning of the entire artwork, it can also be a wonderful way for people to show their appreciation for their parents, particularly their mother.

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Womb Tattoo On Arm
Womb Tattoo On Arm

If you want a womb tattoo without having to go through a painful process, consider this style. Because of its gentle and fragile aesthetics, the arm is an ideal location for a womb tattoo. Choosing this option will not only guarantee a tattoo with a good base but will also relieve the user of soreness caused by the thick layer on the arm.

Womb Tattoo On Arm
Womb Tattoo On Arm

Can Tattoos Affect a Baby in the Womb?

There are some known risks associated with getting a tattoo, and some of those risks can result in serious complications in pregnant women. Before getting a tattoo while pregnant, you should be aware of the risks.
Infection. One of the most serious risks of getting tattooed is infection. You may contract bloodborne infections such as hepatitis B if your tattoo artist uses contaminated or dirty needles. A mother infected with hepatitis B can easily infect her baby at birth. Babies with hepatitis B have a 90% chance of contracting the disease for the rest of their lives. If the infection is not treated, one in every four will die from health complications caused by it (CDC: “Protect Your Baby for Life.”).

Unsterile tattoo needles can also transmit bloodborne infections such as hepatitis C and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A mother with hepatitis C has a 6% chance of passing the infection on to her child. Without treatment, the chances of an HIV-positive mother infecting her child range from 15% to 45%.
Tattoo inks that are toxic. Despite the fact that the average tattoo needle is only 18 of an inch deep into the skin, some tattoo ink contains heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, and lead.
These ingredients can be harmful to your developing baby, especially during the first trimester, when the major organs are developing. Heavy metal exposure can have an impact on your baby’s brain development.


Nothing beats receiving unconditional devotion from your significant other. While most people communicate that message verbally through a series of messages, many people get the womb tattoo; sometimes actions speak louder than words.

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