Suppose you are interested in getting a tattoo done, do you know how to get an appointment? If your answer is yes, this article is perfect for you. The most convenient way to contact the tattoo artist is by Email. If you communicate clearly, you can get better service from them. For this, you should learn the process of how to email a tattoo artist?
Etiquettes That You Should Show While Taking Appointment With A Tattoo Artist
Tattoo artists do not have enough time to answer phone calls and you should talk straight to the point with them. You should provide information like where you want to get your tattoo, What is your tattoo and How do your tattoo look like. It would be best if you do not address them with their names when you do not know them.
Purposes Of Appointment With A Tattoo Artist
If you want to do your tattoo, you make an appointment with him/her. If you need any suggestions regarding healing-related information, you can contact him/her. If you want him/her to be your tattoo artist, you can make an appointment.
A Concise Subject Line Of The Email
You should mention the main purpose of your appointment in your subject because tattoo artists get a lot of mail. If you do not communicate, he/she will not understand the urgency. By the subject line, they can quickly understand what is the mail about. Some good subject lines are-
- Inquiry about getting a tattoo
- Inquiry about schedule
- Inquiry about healing
- Request for booking
- Request for appointment
Starting off the Email With A Tattoo Artist
You should communicate politely with him/her. You should introduce yourself in the first place and then start greetings. You can start like this-
- Hi, I am Paul and I have seen your Instagram profile which is very fascinating. I am quite interested to get my tattoo designed by you.
- Hello, I am Maria. Recently I got my tattoo done. I want to know about the healing process of my problem.
Description Of The Components That You Want While Email A Tattoo Artist
You should add a detailed description where you mention what components you want. You should describe important parts of your design so that artists can judge if it is proper or not. You can feel free to express your ideas. It is up to the artist if it is appropriate or not. He/She will let you know.
Information About Your Tattoo Style, Color & Size While Email A Tattoo Artist
If you inform them about tattoo style and color, they can understand better about your design. Some artists have the expertise for a certain style. They will connect with them and judge if they can do it or not. After all, we all need a perfect design, not a ruined one. They know best which size of tattoo fits on which body parts.
Provide Feasible Time & Dates While Email With A Tattoo Artist
You should mention your available dates according to their slots. You should take an appointment for a consultation. You should ensure that you come to get a tattoo when you have enough available time. If you go with rush time, tattoo artists do not get enough time and your design can be ruined.
Provide Contact Information While Email To A Tattoo Artist
You have to mention your contact information like your name, phone number, and address. If you do not give them the contact information, they can not contact you with the further process. You can communicate like this-
- I am looking forward to hearing from you! this is my email [email protected] and my contact number is 98765***
End With A Good Note While Email A Tattoo Artist
You should finish your email by thanking him/her. It is a politeness that thanks someone for their time. If you behave well with them you can expect better service from him/her. You should include a closing statement before sighing off with your name.
Inquiry Of Price & Attachment Of References
You should enquire them about the price after sending the reference. They can inform you of the price after seeing the reference design. They may charge you according to tattoo size and how long time they have to give. On the other hand, they can ask you for a meeting so that they can see your skin condition and then inform the price.
You must be wondering that Email is a daily necessity, but why do you learn especially for mailing a tattoo? Because it is a process. If you do not communicate effectively, you will be failed to take an appointment. Sending Email is an easy task, but to send an email effectively is tough. You should learn how to email a tattoo artist. It will be helpful for getting better service.

I am Amelia O’Kelly love writing. And I have adequate experience working in the tattoo industry, such as joining a few tattoo conventions volunteer in California & New York.